Means: Breast
i) take 75 liters of mezcal in a still with 25 lbs wild mountain apples and plums, red plantain bananas, pineapples, a handful of almonds and a few pounds of uncooked white rice. NB: If wild mountain apples and plums are not in season abandon the recipe and make a nice tagine instead.
ii) Next, skin a chicken breast leaving the bone structure intact. Wash in in running water for about three hours to remove any grease and suspend in the still during distillation.
iii) After 24 hours remove the chicken and place in a small shrine or tabernacle. The pechuga is now ready to drink.
Tastes like: fuity mezcal
Does not take like: chicken, breast, chicken breast.
Final verdict: 1/2 a McCartney
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